Transforming Education in Madhya Pradesh: The Inspiring Story of Devnarayan Verma
Jan 16, 2025
In the heart of Amla Noabad village in Madhya Pradesh, Government Primary School (GPS) Bawdiya shines as a symbol of educational transformation. Devnarayan Verma, the teacher of this school, has a deep heartfelt relationship with the children.

A person close to Devnarayan Verma advised him to pursue a Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) and so he did. After one and a half years, he got a job as a teacher. 39-year-old Devnarayan Verma’s career started from Government Primary School, Semra Bheropura in Bhopal’s Berasia, where he worked as a teacher for over nine years. In 2019, he was transferred to Sehore district and since then he has been inculcating the spirit of learning among his students in GPS Bawdiya in Sehore’s Ichhawar block.
Devnarayan’s passion for teaching and his commitment to making learning an enjoyable experience has not only left an indelible mark on his students, but has also become a source of inspiration for educators across the region.
“Teaching is not just a profession; it is a passion that brings unparalleled joy and satisfaction. I firmly believe that the pleasure derived from imparting knowledge to young minds is incomparable to any other pursuit. Mission Ankur is no less than a revolution for children. With the implementation of the FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) programme, teaching has taken on a new dimension, making the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for both students and educators.”
Devnarayan Verma
Mission Ankur is an educational initiative launched by the Government of Madhya Pradesh with the primary objective of strengthening foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills among young children. This mission is a part of the larger national initiative called the NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat Mission, which underlines the importance of ensuring that all children in India learn foundational literacy and numeracy skills by Grade 3.
Making Best Use of Teaching-Learning Materials as part of Mission Ankur
“Initially, I was a little concerned with the thick books that came with the FLN programme. However, my concerns were mitigated as I read in depth the teacher guide, which provided valuable insights and strategies for effective teaching. The introduction of teaching learning materials (TLM) has also been a game-changer, allowing children to experience the joy of learning in a practical and interactive way”, shares Devnarayan.
Vaishnavi, a grade 3 student, shares, “At first, I was scared to come to school. But when Devnarayan sir began teaching through games, school began feeling like home. Now, I want to join the police when I grow up so that I can serve the country”.
Devnarayan’s creativity knows no bounds when it comes to teaching. In Mathematics, he employs the use of pebble stones to strengthen the children’s understanding of numbers. The tactile experience of manipulating these stones not only enhances numeracy skills but also makes the learning process enjoyable and memorable. Additionally, matchsticks become tools of imparting learning in his classroom, providing a unique and effective way to convey mathematical concepts.

Language development forms a crucial aspect of education and Devnarayan ensures a comprehensive approach to it. By incorporating activities that focus on key competencies like Oral Language Development, Phonological Awareness, Alphabet Knowledge, Vocabulary, Fluent Reading, Comprehension, Writing and Independent Reading, he covers the eight dimensions of Hindi language education. Devnarayan’s innovative methods make these dimensions not only accessible but also fascinating for students.
One of the standout features of Devnarayan’s teaching methodology is the integration of resources provided as part of Mission Ankur. Reading corners adorn the walls of his classroom, providing students with a dedicated space to delve into the world of books. The introduction of ‘Gyaan Ka Khazana’, a teaching-learning material created by Devnarayan, has further enriched the learning experience for his students. This treasure trove encapsulates everything a student needs to know and serves as a visual aid to facilitate understanding.

The impact of Devnarayan Verma’s teaching extends beyond the classroom walls. His innovative methods have become a model for educators, illustrating that education can be both effective and enjoyable. The success of GPS Bawdiya under his guidance serves as a testament to the transformative power that dedicated and passionate teachers hold in shaping the lives of their students.
Fostering a Collaborative Learning Environment
In Devnarayan’s classroom, no child is left behind. He extends personalised assistance to those who struggle with their studies, ensuring that every student receives the attention they require. Moreover, he fosters a collaborative learning environment where students who excel in their studies contribute to the growth of their peers.
Devnarayan Verma’s journey as a teacher in GPS Bawdiya is an example to the positive changes that can be achieved in education when passion, creativity and commitment converge. His creative ways of using the teaching-learning material provided under Mission Ankur, Government of Madhya Pradesh’s flagship FLN progranme, have not only made learning more interesting but have also paved the way for students to become active and enthusiastic participants in their learning journeys.
Devnarayan Verma is not just a teacher; but a hope for change, shaping the future of his students and leaving an indelible mark on the education landscape in Amla Noabad village, Madhya Pradesh.

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