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June 7th, 2022

Practitioner’s Guide to Embedding Assessment-Informed Instruction (A-i-i) is an attempt to answer – “How can education practitioners support teachers to use assessment-informed instruction to improve learning in their classrooms?”

About A-i-i guide

Practitioner’s Guide to Embedding Assessment-Informed Instruction (A-i-i) is an attempt to answer – “How can education practitioners support teachers to use assessment-informed instruction to improve learning in their classrooms?”

Building on RTI’s extensive literature on A-i-i, the Practitioner’s Guide to Embedding A-i-i provides step-by-step / easy-to-implement recommendations categorized across four essential pillars that contribute to the program’s success in embedding A-i-i: (i) structured tools, (ii) stakeholder capacity, (iii) behaviour change & adoption, and (iv) system alignment.

The guide highlights: (a) essential pillars where A-i-i can be embedded in the program, (b) the role of education practitioners at various levels to support teachers to use A-i-i to improve learning in their classroom, and (c) highlight ‘what works’ for the ease of practitioners to embed A-i-i into their context.

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