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Green Shoots of FLN in Uttar Pradesh – In Conversation with Anand Kumar Pandey, Senior Professional/ Assistant Director, Quality Unit, Samagra Shiksha, Uttar Pradesh

By Anand Kumar Pandey and CSF Editorial Team

Jan 24, 2025

In this interview, we hear from Anand Kumar Pandey (Senior Professional/Assistant Director, Quality Unit, Samagra Shiksha, Uttar Pradesh) on how initiatives like mentorship programmes, peer-learning platforms and technology integration are transforming learning outcomes in Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh (UP) has been at the forefront of foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) reforms, addressing unique challenges with innovative strategies and effective on-ground implementation. In this interview with Anand Kumar Pandey (Senior Professional/Assistant Director, Quality Unit, Samagra Shiksha, Uttar Pradesh), we explore how UP’s initiatives including mentorship programmes, peer-learning platforms and technology integration are transforming classroom practices to achieve impactful learning outcomes.

Anand Kumar Pandey
Senior Professional/ Assistant Director, Quality Unit, Samagra Shiksha, Uttar Pradesh

Q1. What initiatives have been implemented by Uttar Pradesh under the NIPUN Bharat Mission to strengthen foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN)?

Uttar Pradesh has implemented several key reforms to strengthen foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) for children under the NIPUN Bharat Mission. These include building infrastructure, establishing a dedicated academic cadre from state to cluster levels and enhancing leadership and team-building capacities of the middle management.

The state leverages technology through the Prerna Portal and applications like Prerna Gunvatta and Nipun Lakshya for effective monitoring and progress tracking. By fostering inter-departmental convergence, these efforts aim to create a sustainable and outcome-driven framework for achieving mission goals. UP also created and delivered teacher guides based on the National Curriculum Framework- Foundational Stage (NCF-FS) 2022 and National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and focused on Hindi literacy and numeracy, respectively. Further, to make classrooms more engaging, print-rich material like storybooks, Math kits and progress cards were provided to track student learning. These resources were complemented by NIPUN Talika (a monitoring tool that tracks progress in foundational literacy and numeracy at the student levels), which allowed for regular monitoring to ensure progress.

Additionally, by October 2024, 4.76 lakh teachers were given face-to-face training and supported with on-site mentoring and supervision by academic resource persons (ARPS). Spot assessments during school visits also helped track progress and make necessary adjustments to NIPUN strategies. Lastly, through the adoption of structured pedagogy and ensuring timely teacher training resources along with robust teacher-mentor support, UP has been able to address its unique challenges in teaching-learning processes and make significant strides toward achieving NIPUN goals.

Q2. How has Uttar Pradesh’s middle-level academic cadre supported teachers in improving classroom transactions?

The introduction of mentor cadres with Academic Resource Persons (ARPs) at the block level has significantly enhanced teacher support, using tools like classroom observation checklists and spot assessment apps. Each mentor conducts targeted monthly visits, following a structured 2-hour visit protocol divided into a 40-20-40-20 ratio for classroom observation, spot assessment, teacher feedback and discussions with the school headmaster, respectively, addressing some of the most pressing classroom challenges in the state.

For example, a mentor Ms. Rashmi from G.B. Nagar built trust among teachers through open dialogues and collaborative problem-solving, empowering them to improve their classroom practices. This approach has led to more teachers vocalising their challenges and actively seeking support, ultimately improving student learning outcomes.

Mentoring is a two-way traffic not one-way, where mentors not only support teachers but also acknowledge and validate the effective practices they implement. Many teachers demonstrate exceptional practices in their classrooms, serving as role models for their peers and contributing to a culture of continuous improvement.

Supportive Supervision: Mentor conducting a demo on the effective use of a Hindi Picture Poster for setting context of a lesson

Q3. How can mentors transform school visits from being seen as monitoring exercises to opportunities for trust-building and providing meaningful academic and emotional support to teachers?

Mentors can turn school visits into opportunities for building trust by focusing on open communication and empathy, rather than just monitoring. By focusing on collaborative problem-solving and recognising teachers’ strengths, mentors can create a safe environment for growth. This approach fosters genuine relationships, where teachers feel empowered to seek support and share challenges, moving beyond a checklist mentality. For example, Shri Khurshid, a teacher from PM SHRI (Prime Minister’s Schools for Rising India) School Deoria District, successfully overcame challenges through open dialogues and shared problem-solving, creating a supportive and energised classroom environment.

Effective mentorship also requires a deep understanding of teachers’ unique needs and sensitivities, which includes identifying when they require assistance and offering guidance without judgment. To advance this, engaging in reflective dialogues, sharing ideas and working together to find solutions is key. Mentors play a crucial role in creating a space for continuous learning and growth, benefiting both teachers and students through collaborative efforts.

Q4. How is the state equipping the mentor cadre with key competencies to improve their effectiveness as agents of change?

The Basic Education department provides mentors with thorough training, focusing on teaching methods, mentoring protocols and effective feedback mechanisms. These trainings also include hands-on demonstrations and problem-solving at the classroom level with teachers, eventually leading to the development of key competencies and skills including communication, empathy, instructional expertise and problem-solving, all within a supportive, trust-based environment.
For example, a mentor Ms. Mussrrat Fatima (State Resource Group, Unnao) acknowledges the importance of having honest conversations instead of just relying on data or checklists. By shifting from mechanical assessments to more meaningful and empathetic discussions — like asking, “What do we need to improve together?” — he helps guide teachers more effectively. Mentors are also trained to create safe spaces for reflection where they ask questions like,  “What are your dreams for your students and schools or what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?” This encourages teachers to reflect, collaborate and find solutions together, ultimately building stronger teaching teams to improve student learning outcomes.

Q5. How do platforms like Sankul or cluster meetings facilitate peer learning and experience-sharing among teachers? What has been the impact of the Sankul initiative in this regard?

Platforms like Sankul (cluster meetings) play a key role in promoting purpose-driven peer learning and experience-sharing among teachers. In Uttar Pradesh, the Education Department has institutionalised the Sankul platform through a government order (GO). Sankul meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month, bringing together over 40,000 Shikshak Sankuls across 75 districts. With a clear agenda (purpose), these meetings help teachers solve problems and create strategies using frameworks like 3S (Showcase, Share and Strategise), 3P (Process, Preparation and Presentation), DPD (Discuss,  Present and  Demonstrate) and THINK, PAIR and SHARE and GROW (Goal, Reality, Options and Will). These approaches allow teachers to work together to tackle challenges, plan for the next month and share effective, pedagogy-focused teaching practices, creating a collaborative learning environment.

Sankul Meeting: Teachers engaging in a ‘Think-Pair-Share’ activity to discuss their teaching-learning practices

The Sankul initiative has had a strong impact on improving peer support and problem-solving skills among teachers. By focusing on teamwork and sharing promising practices, the meetings offer teachers a chance to learn from each other. To maintain the quality of these meetings, district and block-level officials are required to attend and oversee these sessions. This ensures the platform’s effectiveness in implementing solutions and strengthens teachers’ commitment to their professional growth and student outcomes. Together, the Purpose, Problems, Progress, Pedagogy and Promising practices form the foundation of Sankul’s success, driving impactful and sustainable change in education in the state.

Q6. What will be some of the key priorities for the NIPUN Mission in UP to achieve its goals in the coming years?

Going forward, the NIPUN Mission in UP will focus on accelerating implementation with a strong outcome-driven approach by leveraging existing structures, systems, tools and strategies and strengthening the culture of continuous improvement in FLN. This includes identifying challenges, breaking them into actionable steps and addressing vulnerabilities through persistence and collaborative problem-solving.

Structures, systems and strategies have always been essential and will continue to play a vital role. However, progressing with solutions and strategies requires thoughtful preparation and planning. The focus must extend beyond policies to include shaping a positive school culture, fostering sustainability and advance the 21st-century vision through strong middle-level leadership.

Middle-level leaders are change agents with the potential to mobilise the system and turn NIPUN into a mass movement. Their role goes beyond solving problems — they are the driving force for change. Two major challenges in the state at present remain ensuring regular student attendance and achieving better learning outcomes. To address these, it is essential to strengthen Atmiya Sambandh (emotional connection) with the community and build trust through initiatives like Shiksha Chaupals.

To best describe the aforementioned vision, I would say: 

“Classrooms are the highways or golden path to the kingdom of opportunities and the teaching cycle mentioned in the teacher guide is the most powerful tool to break the vicious cycle of poverty”. (अवसरों के साम्राज्य का रास्ता कक्षा से हो कर गुजरता है। संदर्शिका का शिक्षण चक्र गरीबी के दुष्चक्र को तोड़ने का  सबसे सशक्त उपकरण है). We are working for the world’s most valuable resource – children. We firmly believe, as evidenced by thousands of success stories, that with the right strategies, tools, and coordinated efforts, we can turn this into the greatest success story. And we can do it. Yes! We can change the story”.


Education Reform
FLN Salience
Learning Crisis
Learning Outcomes
NIPUN Bharat

Authored by

Anand Kumar Pandey

Senior Professional/ Assistant Director, Quality Unit , Samagra Shiksha, Uttar Pradesh

CSF Editorial Team

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